Term of use

Our terms of use constitute a legally binding agreement made between you and us. No matter, if it is personally or on behalf of an entity.

You should agree that prior to accessing our site, you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by all of these Terms and Conditions.

Being in authority, we are the rightful owners and can modify these Terms of Use in our sole discretion from time to time. Changes made will be effective upon posting them as revised.

Want to learn more about what DigiBlogs does with the gathered information? Review the notice in full below.

What Information Do We Collect?

Here, we do not force anyone to provide their personal details to us. We mainly collect such details when anyone from our audience voluntarily provides them to us, especially when they register themselves, express an interest in obtaining our Services, participate in activities, or otherwise when you contact us.

To make things clear concerning the kind of information we collect, we may ask for:

  • Personal Details: Including name, email address, date of birth, location, contact information, etc.
  • Non-Personal Information: It includes your IP address, device information, browser type, details concerning the system you are using to access our site, and other technical details. 
  • Social Media Login Data: Chances are, we may allow users to register with us using their existing social media account details. 
  • Demographic Details: Includes, details related to postcode, preferences, or interests.
  • Other relevant information.

How Do We Process Your Information?

Simply put, we process the gathered information to provide, improve, and administer our services, communicate with you, for security and fraud prevention, and comply with law.

Other than that, we may also process the information for other purposes with your consent. It may include:

  • To facilitate account creation and authentication or otherwise manage accounts.
  • To facilitate the efficient delivery of the services to the user. 
  • Respond to user inquiries or offer support.
  • To enable user-to-user information.
  • To request feedback.
  • Share marketing and promotional communications.
  • Deliver targeted advertising.
  • Determine the effectiveness of marketing and promotional campaigns. 
  • Identify usage trends.
  • To protect our services.

When and With Whom Do We Share Your Personal Information?

Sharing of information is considered in specific conditions as described in this section:

  • We may consider sharing your data with third-party vendors, service providers, contractors, or agents. Basically, those who perform services for us or on our behalf require access to them to perform specified tasks.
  • Also, possibilities are that we may share them with ad networks, affiliate marketing programs, government entities, website hosting service providers, user account registration and authentication services, data storage service providers, and more. 

To gain the confidence of our audience, we’d like to inform them that we have contracts in place with our third parties, only those who are designed to help safeguard your personal information.

What does it mean? It means that they cannot do anything wrong or misuse your personal information unless or until we have instructed them to do it. 

Note: We do not sell the details collected. But, we may share your details only if needed.

Links to Third-Party Websites

The services of DigiBlogs may link to some third-party websites, that are not affiliated with us and which may link to other websites, services, or applications. 

Keeping that in mind, we do not make any guarantees for any such third-party websites, services, or applications. 

Moreover, the inclusion of a link that redirects you to third-party sites does not imply an enforcement by us. Considering this, we cannot guarantee the safety and privacy of the data you have voluntarily provided to any third parties.

You are recommended to review the policies of those third parties and contact them directly for any query.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

This section informs our users that we may use cookies and tracking technologies like web beacons and pixels to access and store information. 

The collected cookies help us to get an idea of user preference and then personalize their experience. 

Chances are that you may see some remarking cookies and tags that enable third-party vendors to show ads on different sites. 

Now, you must be wondering how we are going to use cookies. Here is how we can use them:

  • To verify the subscriber’s login status.
  • Traffic log cookies are used to identify which pages are being used.
  • We may use them to analyze data on web page traffic.
  • For overall improvement of the site.

How Long Do We Keep Your Information? 

Do not worry, we are not keeping your details stored forever. We’ll just keep it for as long as necessary. Specially to fulfil the purposes outlined in this privacy notice unless otherwise required by law. 

There is no purpose mentioned in this policy that requires us to keep your details for longer. 

When there are no such online activities from our users, we’ll either delete or anonymize their details. Otherwise, we securely store details and isolate them from any sort of processing until deletion is possible.

How Do We Keep Your Information Safe?

Your privacy is our priority. With that in mind, we aim to safeguard the details of our valuable users through a system of organizational and technical security measures. 

Take a deep breath because we have implemented robust security measures to protect the security of any personal information we process.

Reminder 💡:

No information storage technology or software over the internet can be 100% secure. On that note, we cannot promise or guarantee that hackers or cybercriminals will not be able to defeat our security and can collect, steal, access, or modify your personal information.

We do our best and take relevant measures to protect it from cybercriminals.